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You Visit Tour. Webb Lion Fountain. June 1 2017. Photo David B. Hollingsworth

Commitment to Student Success by Creating Opportunities for Engagement

Research shows that student success is, in part, linked to student engagement. Students who take part in campus life and activities tend to have more effective reasoning and problem solving skills, stronger leadership skills, a greater sense of well-being, and steady continuation towards completing their degree.

In fact, some research indicates that the greatest impact on learning and personal development during college years seems to be a function of university policies and practices that promote higher levels of engagement in educationally purposeful activities, both in class and out of class.

Old Dominion has long made student success a top priority. It is, after all, the reason for our very existence. From the Student Success Center and Learning Commons, to the Career Management Center, Student Activities and Leadership (OSAL), Outdoor Adventure Program, and a plethora of other offerings, Old Dominion has made getting involved as easy and as seamless as possible.

Through the leadership of OSAL, we've now taken our commitment to engagement to a new level with several new offerings.

OrgSync (www.orgsync.odu.edu) is a web application that allows students to join, organize, manage and communicate with campus organizations and their members. For students looking to get involved, it makes it easier to find registered campus organizations and provides calendar listings of all student organization activities, service activities, leadership programs, and more happenings on and around campus.

The Co-Curricular Transcript is similar to an academic transcript in that it is a historical listing of all the co-curricular activities a student participates in during college. It provides a supplement to your academic transcript that lists all your involvement, leadership, and service. Today's employers are keenly interested in not only the knowledge that you derived from textbooks, but also the knowledge you acquired as a result of being a leader of a student organization, volunteering for a non-profit, or taking part in a service learning activity.

Sometimes, figuring out how to get involved can seem daunting at a university as big and with as many offerings as Old Dominion University. That's where Involvement Counselors (ICs) come in. ICs are students, just like you. They serve as a one-on-one resource for students interested in getting involved and enriching their journey as a Monarch.

You can access ICs by stopping by the office (1071 Webb Center) or going to the OSAL website (studentaffairs.odu.edu/osal) and clicking on Involvement Counselors. You'll fill out a brief questionnaire about your interests and an IC will contact you within 24 hours. You'll get to have an informal discussion about what exactly you're looking for or interested in, and then the IC will identify the great opportunities waiting for you. The IC will even help you get connected!

As Ayn Rand noted, "The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity."

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