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ODU Political Scientist to Discuss Trade Issues on Fox News

By Brendan O'Hallarn

Old Dominion University's Jesse Richman, associate professor of political science and international studies, will appear Saturday, April 30 on the national cable news program "America's Election Headquarters" on Fox News.

Richman, author of the 2014 book "Balanced Trade," will be asked by hosts Leland Vittert and Elizabeth Prann about how trade issues might affect the Republican primary in Indiana on May 3.

Trade has become an important issue in the presidential campaigns this year, with candidates taking widely divergent positions on trade policy, Trade Promotion Authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

With Indiana's manufacturing base challenged by increased globalization, Richman expects to be asked about differences between the trade plans of Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich just a few days before Indiana selects its Republican delegates for its national convention.

In the Republican Party, which has generally been associated with support of free trade, a divide has opened among presidential contenders on the issue. Trump has criticized trade agreements, saying he would protect U.S industry, while Kasich has stood behind the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

On the Democratic side, Sanders and Clinton have also differed sharply over trade policy. Sanders' views on trade were considered a pivotal factor in his surprise victory in the Michigan primary, which helped prolong the Democratic nomination fight.

"America's Election Headquarters" airs from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturdays on Fox News, Channel 64 on Cox in Hampton Roads.

Jesse Richman holds a Ph.D. in political science from Carnegie Mellon University. He came to ODU in 2006 after teaching at Vanderbilt University. Richman teaches courses in American politics and research methods for the Department of Political Science and Geography and game theory and research methods for the Graduate Program in International Studies.

Richman's peer-reviewed articles have appeared in top academic journals, including American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, State Politics & Policy Quarterly and Electoral Studies.

He is also a frequent media commentator on national, state and local politics.

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