ODU Professor Luisa Igloria Set to Release Two Books
May 01, 2014
Old Dominion University professor Luisa Igloria will release two new books this year, Night Willow: Prose Poems" and "Ode to the Heart Smaller than a Pencil Eraser."
The first book, "Night Willow," is scheduled for release this spring from Phoenicia Publishing (Montreal). In writing it, Igloria said she wanted to stretch herself and her craft, "the same hard muscle work I expect in every poem I write."
"Ode to the Heart Smaller than a Pencil Eraser" is set for release this summer from Utah State University Press. The book has already received attention, having been selected by Mark Doty for the 2014 May Swenson Poetry Prize. "Ode" will be Igloria's 15th full-length book of poetry.
Igloria is a professor of English and creative writing at ODU, where she also serves as director of the M.F.A. program in creative writing. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and journals. More information about Igloria's literary work can be found at her website.
For more information about the ODU M.F.A. Creative Writing program, visit the College of Arts and Letters website.