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Bioelectrics Research

Core Facilities

Core Facilities

The university state-of-the-art core facilities serves as a shared resource for the biomedical, bioscience and engineering community. We provide consultation, training and support for a variety of research projects up to Biosafety Level II (BSL2). These resources are available to affiliated labs at a subsidized rate.

In order to reserve core facilities equipment you must register to use the system. Once you are registered, the system will enable you to place service request, provide required approvals, monitor progress and view equipment availability. If you experience difficulties, please contact us.


The university core facilities are here to support your research. Please include the following acknowledgement on all publications. "We wish to acknowledge the core facilities at Old Dominion University for the use of their shared equipment, services and expertise."


Core Facilities Equipment

Shared Equipment Request Form

Core Facilities Equipment Pricing

Contact us.

Cellular Analysis and Cytometry Core

Histology Core

Optical Microscopy Core



Machine Shop


Core Facilities Advisory Board

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