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Reminder: Dr. Ann J. Cahill on "Unjust Sex vs. Rape"

The Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs at Old Dominion University would like to invite you to a lecture by  Dr. Ann J. Cahill titled “Unjust Sex vs. Rape” on Wednesday, October 25th at 5:30pm. The lecture will be in Batten Arts and Letters room number 1012.


The lecture will discuss the persistent philosophical conundrum that Dr. Ann J. Cahill, professor of philosophy at Elon University, calls the problem of the “heteronormative sexual continuum”: how sexual assault and hegemonic heterosex are conceptually and politically related. Dr. Cahill will respond to the work of Nicola Gavey, who has argued for the existence of a “gray area” of sexual interactions that are ethically questionable without rising to the category of sexual assault, but whose analysis did not explicitly articulate what these two categories share or what distinguishes them from each other. Dr. Cahill will argue that the two categories share a disregard for women’s sexual subjectivity (focusing particularly on the factor of sexual desire) and are distinguished by the different role that women’s sexual agency plays in each.


This event is also sponsored by the ODU Women’s Center, The University Women’s Caucus and the Department of Women’s Studies. Dr. Cahill will give an additional talk at the Women’s Caucus on October 25th at 12:00pm, on Title IX, to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the law. The talk is titled “A Changing Landscape for Title IX Enforcement: What Colleges and Universities Should Be Paying Attention To.” It will be in the Rivers Rooms in the Webb Center.


For more information, contact philosophy@odu.edu. Parking will be available for the evening talk in the lot behind the Marriott at 45th and Hampton Road.


Please feel free to circulate the flyer to anyone who might be interested. 

Posted By: Teresa Kouri
Date: Thu Oct 12 10:28:25 EDT 2017

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